POLS 8830 (Fall 2023)


Ozlem uses this website to share any information about POLS 8830 (Fall 2023). Image created using DALL-E.

View the Project on GitHub ozlemtuncel/pols8830_fall2023

Course information

Ozlem’s Office Hours and TA Sessions

Slides, Notes, and Tips

Week 1: Syllabus Overview

✔️ Goal: Review of the syllabus and last semester.

Class materials

Week 1 Slides

Ozlem’s notes from Week 1 class

Software and others

✔️ Goal: Make sure you are familiar with basics of R.

⚠️ Our library offers online R workshops, and I highly recommend them!

Review of R

I recommend Adam Kuczynski’s (University of Washington) to review R ▶️ Adam’s Guide to R

Learning LaTeX

I encourage all of you to get familiar with LaTeX or similar kind of document preparation system to typset your problem sets. GSU offers online/in-person LaTeX course. I use Overleaf for typetting these sort of documents. Recently, I have been using Quarto in R and Phyton to typeset reports and presentations. Here are some useful links to learn LaTeX:

You can alternatively learn and use R Markdown or Quarto. Here are some useful links:

Week 2: OLS Review

Class materials

Week 2 Slides

Ozlem’s notes from Week 2 class

R scripts for Week 2: Script I & Script II

More info on distributions and OLS

Week 3: MLE Introduction

Class materials

Week 3 Slides and Carlin’s Notes

Ozlem’s notes from Week 3 class

We do not have any R script for this week.

Week 4: Binary Logit

Class materials

Week 4 Slides

Ozlem’s notes from Week 4 class

R scripts for Week 4: Script I & Script II

Important Note

❗You can find the change in the syllabus on iCollege.

Software and others

Week 5: Workflow in PoliSci

Class materials

Week 5 Slides

Notes from Workflow lecture

Software Notes

Week 6: Interactions

Class materials

Week 6 Slides

Ozlem’s notes from Week 6 class

R script for Week 6: Script I

Software and others

Week 7: Ordinal Models

Class materials

Week 7 Slides

R script for Week 7: Script I

Software and others

Week 8: Multinomial Models

Class materials

Week 8 Slides

R script for Week 8: Script I & Script II

Software and others

Week 9: Survival Analysis

Class materials

Week 9 Slides

R script for Week 9: Script I

Important changes on deadlines

Software and others

Week 10: Count Models

Class materials

Week 10 Slides

R script for Week 9: Script I & Dataset

Software and others

Week 11

Class materials

Week 11 Slides

Software and others

Week 13: Student Presentations
